How I Help

I work with high-performing leaders and founders who are exhausted from burnout.
Let's design the life and work you want.


Accelerate your growth with one-on-one coaching. I offer two packages.


Start your career break planning process with the Burnout to Break Free Blueprint Course.


Join the Spark Community to connect with other high achievers who are burned out.

Achieve with Purpose

Are you ready to change how you work and live? 

I am dedicated to guiding high-achieving professionals through the challenges of burnout, career transformation, and life fulfillment.

The Achieve with Purpose Program takes a holistic approach to leadership and burnout recovery. The program empowers leaders like you to thrive in your  personal and professional journey.

As a certified executive coach, my services are designed to empower mid-career leaders and entreprenuers who find themselves at a crossroads, helping you navigate the path to a more rewarding and balanced life and career.

How it works?

Does your work align with your values?

Step 1

Schedule a Call

We begin with a clarity call to explore your goals.

Step 2

Receive Your Plan

You'll recieve a customized coaching plan.

Step 3

Action to Reality

Do the work. Get clear on your goals and take action.

Step 4

Live with Purpose

Be reconnected with what you love about life and work.


My goal for coaching was to find tools to help me improve my productivity and leader. Laura's approach was both work and life. Her holistic approach helped me reset. I've been able to put into practices that make me a better dad and husband.
Sam P.
After experiencing severe burnout, I took a career break and was hesitant to get back to work. Laura helped me explore my core values and identify boundaries to not go off course. Her guidance and support were instrumental in my transition back to work.
Portrait of a woman
Lindsay M.
I was on the verge of quitting when I found Laura. She guided me through a process of self-discovery, helping me understand what truly mattered to me. With her support, I revamped my career path to match my values.
Emily D.
Your guidance on recognizing and addressing burnout, asserting oneself in the workplace, and identifying toxic traits has been invaluable to me. Thanks to your expertise, I've felt more empowered to prioritize my well-being, communicate my needs effectively to my leaders, and create a healthier work environment for myself.
Charlotte H.
Laura started coaching me during my career break. I thought I could do it alone, but realized a few weeks into my break that I needed a coach. She helped give me much needed stucture, and helped me rebuild my confidence to re-enter the workforce.
Courtney T.
I began working with Laura when I was miserable in a toxic, deadend job. I knew I needed a change, but didn't know what to do. Together, Laura provided me with a framework and the confidence to ask for a leave of absence, experience more joy in my life, and find a role that better fit me.
Yelena S.

Retain and Develop Your Top Talent

Worry your top performers are burning out? Get them the support they need with an executive coach. Learn about my coaching programs for companies.

I work with small to mid-sized companies retain talent and reduce burnout through one-on-one and group coaching.


Looking for a speaker or trainer?

Looking for a dynamic speaker or panelist for your next event or conference? I'm here to help.
Empowerment and motivational
Entrepreneurship and growing your business
Maximizing management training to retain top talent

Join the Community

Join the Spark Community to connect with other high achievers who are burned out. Enter your information and you'll recieve your invite.

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Frequently asked questions

What coaching services do you offer?
The 1-on-1 Coaching Program is personalized to fit your needs and goals. I am typically brought in to help you: (1) plan a break, (2) help you re-enter the workforce after a break, (3) support your first 100 days in a new role.
How can coaching help me?
Coaching is a powerful journey that provides you with personalized guidance and accountability. You'll learn effective tools and techniques to help you achiever healthier work-life balance, improve your performance and productivity, and live a life that aligns to your values and goals.
What qualifications and experience do you have?
I've spent the past 20 years leading high performing teams at Fortune 500 companies as a marketing executive. Today, I run my own consulting firm, and practice coaching. I walk the talk. Additionally I am a certified executive coach, by the Center for Executive Coaching.
How much do your programs cost?
Membership in the community is free. My online courses start at $147. Personalized one-on-one coaching starts at $2,997. To get the best results, schedule a call.
How does billing work?
For one-on-one coaching, I offer monthly payment plans, or recieve a discount with one-time payment.

Schedule a Call

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